The DRET unit has been designed for you to deliver lessons with minimal preparation and background knowledge of local natural hazards and disaster preparedness.

There are a few things you will need to do to prepare for each lesson. This should take you about 20 minutes.

First of all check that your students have access to a laptop or tablet device. Ensure that students have education IT permissions to view online resources such as YouTube videos and websites.

The five lessons of the DRET unit have been designed to run in all web browsers. Chrome or Firefox are the recommended browsers to use.

Before commencing lesson one of the DRET unit, with your class, read through the student ‘Tips and tricks’ page to make clear the process of saving quiz answers and creating a PDF of their work.

Before a lesson

Go to the Teacher section of the lesson:

  1. View the teacher guide video for the lesson.
  2. Review the lesson links, quiz questions and answers, activities and printable attachments.
  3. Print attached resources that are required for the lesson.
  4. If you require more knowledge about disaster resilience, risk assessment, hazard management, preparedness and emergency response use the resource links on the lesson page and on the Teacher Introduction page.

Go to the Student section of the lesson:

  1. View the student lesson introduction and video. Familiarise yourself with the students layout of the lesson and the quiz section. (Details on saving quiz work in the IT Hot tips section below)

During a lesson

First thing to do with your students, if they are each using a device, is to get them to clear the browser history on their device. This ensures that all past cookies are deleted from the device cache and helps them to be able to save their work. They may be able to go away from the device for a short period of time during a lesson and then come back and return to their work as long as they don’t turn off their device. (Details on saving quiz work as they go or want to turn off mid lesson is in the IT Hot tips section below)

When delivering the lesson you can either have students go through the lesson on their own device or you can have the student lesson view on the smart board/TV in front of the class and go through the video sections as a group and then have the students undertake the quiz section on their own device.

Have the teacher section open on your own device at your desk so you can view concepts, links and answers during the lesson.

Encourage students to save their work at the end of each quiz in the lesson by clicking ‘NEXT’.

At the end of the lesson encourage students to save all their quiz answers that is created as a PDF by clicking ‘Submit’ and then ‘Save your quiz answers as a PDF’ button. This PDF can then be saved to a folder or printed for you to keep a record of their work.

For those students who work through all the activities and quizzes of the lesson before the 60 minutes lesson time, there are some optional activities provided for them to complete. These activities are optional and are not compulsory to complete as part of the lesson outcomes.

At the end of a lesson

Use the lesson exit question at the end to finish and highlight the student’s success criteria before they leave the class or move on to another subject.

IT hot tip – Saving quiz answers in a lesson

How do students save work through the lesson? The ‘NEXT’ button at the end of a quiz saves their answers. The quiz saving function is designed for students to work on quizzes of activities in each lesson as one session. They are able to leave their device for a short time during the lesson and the device should keep their work that has been saved as long as their device is kept on and they have saved their work. So when going through the lesson encourage your students to save their quiz answers by clicking the ‘NEXT‘ button after before moving on to the next part of the lesson. Note: once the student turns off their device their work in the lesson will be deleted.

How do students save quiz answers when they are turning off their device? Students that have not completed all the quizzes in a lesson can click the ‘Save and continue later’ option which provides a web browser link. They can copy this link and paste elsewhere to keep or email it to themselves to be able to resume that lesson next time. Using this link means that students can go back to the quiz of a lesson and their work will be kept. This link will expire after 30 days and expires when the link is used.

How do students save their work at the end of the lesson? Students can have a PDF of their answers by clicking ‘Submit’ and then ‘Save your quiz answers as a PDF’ button. This PDF can then be saved to a folder or printed for you to keep a record of their work.

How else can students complete quizzes? If there are problems with internet access and/or saving quiz answers then you can print a hard copy of the lesson quiz worksheet for each student to complete by hand. The quiz worksheets are attachments of the lesson.

Still having issues? Contact us via the web form